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Legends:Keeper of the Gates

< Legends: Cards
Keeper of the Gates
Creature (Nord)
LG-card-Keeper of the Gates.png
Deck code ID xL
Card Set LG-icon-Jaws of Oblivion.png Jaws of Oblivion
Magicka Cost LG-icon-Magicka.png6
Attribute Strength Strength
Power Power 6 Health Health 6
Rarity Epic Epic
When you Invade, Invade again.

Keeper of the Gates is an epic Strength creature card. It is available as part of the Jaws of Oblivion expansion.


When summoned:

"I greet Oblivion with open arms."

When attacking:

"For a new world!"


  • This card depicts a member of the Mythic Dawn, a cult encountered during the Main Quest of Oblivion. An Oblivion Gate, a portal to the Deadlands, can be seen in the background.
